Welcome to Joglen Gospel Internet Radio's Events Calendar

Perry Pruett Anniversary Celebration

Perry Pruett Anniversary
Sat. Oct. 6 2024 @ 4pm
Christian Stronghold Community Church
Delmarva Gospel Singers
The Voices Of God
Big Papa &The Chisen Ones
Resurrection Gospel Singers
Bobbi Bundick

Advertise Your Event here On Our Calendar

Have a Christian related business or gospel music ministry that you would like us to promote here on our station? If so your can have us run an ad or commercial here on Joglen Gospel Radio. JHust fill out the submission form on this place with the subject "Promotiuon" and submit it to us.

Spotlight Interviews Section

Want us to interview your gospel music ministry here on our station's In The Spotlight Series. Use the submission form on this page with the subject "In The Spotlight" with some information about your or the artist that you promote.

Delmarva Gospel Singers 26th Anniversary

Delmarva Gospel Singers 26th Anniversary
Sat. Nov.2 2024 @ 4pm
Mary N. Smith Cultural Enrichment Center
24497 Mary N Smith Rd , Accomac, VA
(757) 709-4931
Rev. Jesse Watson & The Watson 4 / The Gospel Crusaders / Ressurection Gospel Singers / The Voices Of God / Big Popa & The Chossen Ones Cleophas Shrieves & Promise / Perry Pruett / Bobbi Bundick / Clifton Henry Dnnis Jr. / Special Guest MC / Clifton Henry Dnnis Jr.
ADMISSION - $20 In Advance / $25 At The Door / Under 12 - $10
Ticket sales location In Virgina
Brown Beauty Shop
23474 Lee Mont Rd , Parksley, VA 23421
Shop Number - 757-665-4723
Contact Helen Chandler - 757-710-0679
In Maryland - Pastor Joseph L Smith - 410-957-0548
For more information concet - Pastor Joseph L Smith - 410-957-0548
In Virgina - Cleophas - Shrieves - 757 894 0271

Event Submission Guidelines

Interested in having your event featured on our calendar? Make sure to follow our submission form and approval process. Your event must meet our specified criteria to be considered.

Special Promotions

Keep an eye out for special promotions and highlighted events that will be showcased on our calendar. Don't miss out on these exciting opportunities!

All submissions for our calendar must be christian related and approved by us begore being placed on our calenar. Since our goal is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, Gospel Ministries may  be posted for free at our approval. Any event such as music concerts where there is an adnission cost will be charge a small fee. Contact us for full details.

 Want to have your event on our calendar? Fill out the form below your information

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